The splendid mural by 3-Dom and Voyder, which graces the upper elevations of the new building on the former site of Mary’s junk shop on Stokes Croft, can now be seen in all its glory, since the removal of the scaffolding that has masked it since last year. Commissioned by Reg, Mary’s son, this is a fine example of a local businessman working with local artists. Voyder and 3-Dom for mutual benefit.
The use of upper elevations is surely the next step in Stokes Croft’s aspiration to be an Outdoor Gallery. if you have a property that you would like us to curate, paint in Stokes Croft or environs, please let us know…
Below: Dante, based in Hamilton House, works on the westmoreland House steps. Pole and friend pass the time of day on the steps. the sense of community generated by these activities is palpable.
Below: Dante’s finished piece.
Below: Another Interesting Graff piece on the Ashley Road Practice Wall.
Below: An intriguing little paste-up on Hillgrove St.
Below: Lisa Vickers, local resident, with her ” Friesian” Volkswagen, photographed outside the Magpie 17.03.10.