Stokes Croft Resurgent: Canteen Opens its Doors.

Coexist has been quietly filling its 55, 000 sq. ft. building with artists, and people with a similar vision.  “Hamilton House at the heart of Stokes Croft in Bristol is home to Coexist, where art, music, enterprise and innovation cluster as a community rising to the challenges of today and tomorrow.”
From the day Canteen opened its doors, the terrace has been full, with people taking in the sun during the day, and revelling in the long summer evenings.

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Removal of Street Chess Table from Turbo Island: Street Drinkers Shift (Not Far)

Almost a month ago, we removed the chess table from Turbo Island, at the request of the Police and the Artists in Jamaica Street Studios.

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Council/SITA in Dog Faeces Street Cleaning Shocker!

A couple of weeks ago, a pile of dog turd appeared 0n the pavement outside PRSC HQ. Fortunately, so we thought, a Sita street cleaner hove over the horizon… “Could you sort that out for us, please? 

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Hoochie Coochie Kabaret at the New Metropolis in Stokes Croft (Formerly Jesters)

ALANA JONES – Stunning contemporary circus from one of Europe’s few female tight wire artists.
RYAN STYLES – A very top performer of the exiting new wave of drag artists.

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Selling Gallery rammed with top local art… Tell your friends… Open all Summer…

The PRSC Summer Dutch Auction opened on 24th July, and runs all summer. The work changes continually, showcasing local talent and offering the opportunity to own very, very affordable Art… No need to buy mass produced stuff from Habitat or IKEA… The goods are right here, and all sales will be split between PRSC and the artist…
If you know anybody who fritters their money away up at the top end of the town, drag them here…
If you have a mailing list, pass on the info… If you have contacts in the press let them know… Local industry and all that… Cultural phenomenon..

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Bean makes his stand for local freedom…

Young Bean goes out every month with his Mum and the rest of Love Bristol (A local faith-based organisation) and helps to keep the Croft’s lovely (But sadly not recycling) yellow bins in tip-top shape..

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Move over, Banksy… Cutting edge piece revealed in Stokes Croft…

This splendid piece sprung up last Wednesday night… And that it has passed almost unnoticed is arguably its strength.. Nestling between Slix Hamburgers and the Hairdressers, this abandoned shopfront is brought back to life… its Sweeney Todd theme is pertinent and site specific, positive for the area, and well executed…

The shopfront was scrubbed clean, painted…

The piece was prepared on ply, designed to fit in the window spaces…

The new shop, “Mrs.

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New pieces painted thick and fast…

A few new pieces for your delectation…
Below, a piece from some interloper from Swindon…

The KTF crew on the Jamaica Street hoardings…

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Hillgrove Street Corner – The paint out battle continues…

On Saturday 18th and Sunday19th July, The infamous Hillgrove Street battleground saw the latest skirmish with the Anti-Graffiti team… The mural below was painted, with permission of the owner once again… On Monday morning our wonderful BCC Anti-Graffiti team wove their magic… and rendered the corner site a lovely safe black…
Apparently, the estate agents (who deal for the owners) had given carte blanche to our intrepid anti-graffiti team to buff anything… So, with obviously blind devotion, they set about their business… Again, there was uproar amongst the local community, and general scratching of heads…
Ranjana Pandit of Radhika Fabrics wrote to our local councillor, saying,
I am a local business man, and we were happy to see a nice mural painted on the shop with Landlords permission.

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Chess Table goes from Turbo Island

The chess table which was on Turbo Island has been removed under pressure from the Police and from some residents, but certainly not all…  The existence of the table on Turbo Island acted as a focal point for street drinkers, as Turbo Island has always done…
The table highlighted a problem central to all those who know and love Stokes Croft… There is always a hardcore of drinkers in the Croft… who congregate here, because all the services are local.

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