New pieces going up in the Croft… Paris, BS51 et al…

Pieces of work go up in Stokes Croft so regularly now that it is impossible to document it all…
Down by the Full Moon, we have the Six Million Dollar Man by BS51.

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The need for Public Toilets in Stokes Croft with longer Opening Hours… At the very least.

On Thursday afternoon Roy, who is caretaker of Elim’s sheltered housing on the corner of Hillgrove and Jamaica Street, alerted me to the fact that yet another fine specimen had been laid at his doorstep… A regular occurence.

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Invisible Circus: the Combustion Club July 10-11. Unmissable… as ever

The Invisible Circus Proudly presents
The Combustion Club
10th 11th July @ The Island
Silver Street Bristol BS1 2PY
8pm til late
Come join the Revolution as we fire the boilers for the latest incarnation of The Combustion Club, an explosive evening of Circus Cabaret and dancing music, in the auspicious confines of the Old Fire Station and Police Hq of Bridewell Island in Bristol City Centre..

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No Pissing behind Electricity sub-station on Turbo Island

For an area full of pubs, clubs and street drinkers, the lack of nearby Public Toilets has meant that Turbo Island’s sub-station has been an open latrine for many years.

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Turbo Island Advertising Hoarding: Council moves on Hoardings owners. Discontinuance Notice served…

Dear All
I am very pleased to be able to tell you that Bristol City Council served a discontinuance notice on Primesight Ltd last week.

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Stokes Croft in Bloom… Turbo Island bush blooms for the first time in 250 years…

Summer is with us, and the Magpie is in bloom. Well done to those intrepid squatters for cultivating these amazing flowers for the enjoyment of all…

Also,  the long suffering bush in the middle of  Turbo Island has flowered for the first time in a very long time, perhaps a portent of new beginnings for the Croft…

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Bristol Rat Race 2009… Urban Orienteering with Tasks

a Lycra-clad Rat Race thundered through Stokes Croft on the afternoon of Saturday 27th June, and a very sweaty business it appeared to be…

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Bristol City Council claims “FUCK ABOUT” graffiti offensive. Locals are less sure…

Whilst he was up a ladder cleaning off the damaged Banksy Mild Mild West,  Chris Chalkley of PRSC was handed this letter from Denise James, Project Officer for Bristol Clean and Green.

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Banksy Mild Mild West attacked (Again)

Banksy’s Mild Mild West was got at again last night 23rd June…  Looks like it was the same person(s) who did the piece down at College Green.From the look of it, it was done with paintbombs or from a paintball gun… It was easier to tidy up than the last attack, mainly because there was much less of it.The piece still looks OK from a distance, but is beginning to show the strain of repeated attacks, on closer inspection.

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Stokes Croft China… Decorate your own Fine Bone China Beaker in the PRSC workshop… Jamaica Street Open Studio Weekend…

PRSC will open their workshop doors for the Jamaica Street Open Studio Weekend. We will be lithographing China mugs. You will have the opportunity to decorate your own mug which we will fire for you… The cost will be £10.

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