Expanding on the P.R.S.C.’S already established outdoor gallery concept – which uses street art to re-invigorate the area – Paint Experiment will facilitate the creation of saleable Artworks in the public domain, requiring the participation of the community as: artists, buyers and curators.
Approximately three weeks ago, the cctv warning signs photographed below appeared all over Stokes Croft. Already, some of them have been torn down.
Mr. Chris Chalkley attended court on 9th October to answer the charge set out below. Whilst admitting that he had painted the sign in question, he pleaded not guilty to criminal damage.
Chris Chalkley, Chairman of PRSC will be at Bristol Magistrates Court to enter his plea, tomorrow, Friday, 9th October. He has been accused of Criminal Damage, having painted a “Welcome to Stokes Croft” sign on the 51’02 building at the bottom of Stokes Croft.
PRSC chairman, Chris Chalkley was arrested by two plain clothes police officers on 24th September, and was charged with the following;
“That between 28/08/09 and 01/01/09 at St.
The Croft changes so rapidly that it is increasingly difficult to document…
First off, a debate about the nature of “Rubbish”, a subject very close to Stokes Croft’s heart…
Paris has been prolific, as ever, in the Croft… Interestingly , his re-working of the Hillgrove St./ Stokes Croft corner has elicited no response from BCC.
At the end of Dighton Street are two panels that have been regularly tagged for the longest time, and have been regularly painted over (Badly) by our Council’s very own “Clean and Green” Anti-Graffiti team… We prepared the walls properly, scraping away debris, and sweeping away all dirt and dust before applying a coat of high quality masonry paint.
We didn’t know Pete for long.. He was a bright, charming man. The drink did for him.
The funeral took place last Monday, and was well-attended.
A couple of weeks ago, a pile of dog turd appeared 0n the pavement outside PRSC HQ. Fortunately, so we thought, a Sita street cleaner hove over the horizon… “Could you sort that out for us, please?
Young Bean goes out every month with his Mum and the rest of Love Bristol (A local faith-based organisation) and helps to keep the Croft’s lovely (But sadly not recycling) yellow bins in tip-top shape..