The Funeral of Alan Smith will now take place on Tuesday, 12th January at 930am at Canford Crematorium.
The Mighty Banana van will leave from outside Jamaica Street Hostel,on Jamaica Street at 9am for those wishing to attend.
Mr. Chris Chalkley attended court on 9th October to answer the charge set out below. Whilst admitting that he had painted the sign in question, he pleaded not guilty to criminal damage.
PRSC chairman, Chris Chalkley was arrested by two plain clothes police officers on 24th September, and was charged with the following;
“That between 28/08/09 and 01/01/09 at St.
Jesters Comedy Club will be reborn as Metropolis, with more of a slant towards music and cabaret. This is tremendous news for Stokes Croft, with the splendid former cinema becoming a more active part of the Stokes Croft music scene.
Young Bean goes out every month with his Mum and the rest of Love Bristol (A local faith-based organisation) and helps to keep the Croft’s lovely (But sadly not recycling) yellow bins in tip-top shape..
How times change… Stokes Croft can’t seem to keep itself out of the media these days… Last week, the Casualty TV crew filmed around Stokes Croft, and drama ensue on Stokes Croft… Hardly anybody noticed, because these kinds of scenes have been fairly normal over the past years…
For those interested, the show will screen at Halloween, and some exclusive footage will be just on the web…