Initiated by Greater Bristol Alliance and supported by PRSC as part of Bristol’s European Green Capital activities, demonstration marches and new giant art billboards exposing the “TTIP – Toxic Tricks In Politics” message will take place this weekend:
Friday 21st August: Art in the Bearpit – 8am boards go up
2pm press meet with Molly Scott Cato, Green MEP for South West.
Saturday 22nd August: Protest march down Whiteladies Road. Meet at 11am outside Rajpoot Indian restaurant at the top of Blackboy Hill. Arrive at the Bearpit between 12:00hrs and 13:00hrs [for more information click link to 38degrees event].
These protests coincide with a chilling warning from the International Energy Agency: “if we don’t get our emissions under control by 2017, our fossil fuel economy will ‘lock in’ extremely dangerous global warming.”
The 2015 United Nations Climate Change conference is due to start in Paris on 29th November, but the protesters fear that if TTIP is agreed it will weaken decisions on climate change to the point of irrelevance.
For further information, contact: Greater Bristol Alliance – Steve Timmins
TTIP boards being prepared at PRSC.