On Saturday 18th and Sunday19th July, The infamous Hillgrove Street battleground saw the latest skirmish with the Anti-Graffiti team… The mural below was painted, with permission of the owner once again… On Monday morning our wonderful BCC Anti-Graffiti team wove their magic… and rendered the corner site a lovely safe black… HillgrovecornerWP

Apparently, the estate agents (who deal for the owners) had given carte blanche to our intrepid anti-graffiti team to buff anything… So, with obviously blind devotion, they set about their business… Again, there was uproar amongst the local community, and general scratching of heads…

Ranjana Pandit of Radhika Fabrics wrote to our local councillor, saying,

I am a local business man, and we were happy to see a nice mural painted on the shop with Landlords permission. But utunfortunately it was repainted with back colour by council workers. Council do not have time to come and clear the rubbish from the street but they have plenty time to waste and destroy beautiful painting.


Jon Rogers said:

I have spoken to Gary Hopkins(Cleansing) this afternoon. He tells me that the owner’s agent on behalf of the owner had requested that the council clean the hoardings.This contradicts information given below, and we need to get to bottom of this.

Our administration is determined to work effectively and imaginatively with residents, organisations and businesses to get the best for Stokes Croft.

Let us hope that this determination will actually translate into action…

Sepr’s response to the buffing of his work remains for all to see…


Posted on July 31, 2009 by

Categories: bristol city council | Graffiti | politics | Sepr

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