PRSC believes that the only way forward is to do things ourselves, without top-down planning.

While we work to enhance the street culture of Stokes Croft, no work must damage the essential fabric of any of the property involved. We work to gain permissions where possible for works, but reserve the right to direct action where normal rights are deemed to have been been abrogated by the owners of properties through neglect, lack of concern or self-interest.

The property owners we liaise with are increasingly receptive to the street art in Stokes Croft. The local populace have similarly taken on a curatorial role towards their Public Spaces. The last seven years of painting and positive direct action in the public realm has created a much more receptive attitude. Bristol City Council Clean And Green anti-graffiti teams no longer routinely buff out pieces of work – though we know that some of them would like to.

It is the belief of PRSC that local government has lost the right to determine, from its lofty heights, the future of our area, after decades of lack of interest and lack of service. We welcome the support of government agency, but this support will have to meet our terms, as decided by ourselves through public debate.

Things seem to work much better when they leave us alone.

2011, when the local community mobilised to oppose the opening of Tesco in Stokes Croft

2011, when the local community mobilised to oppose the opening of Tesco in Stokes Croft


The joy of being advertised nothing


How we made our own future: the Stokes Croft Museum

How we made our own future: the Stokes Croft Museum

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