New work goes up at a rate too fast to document ..

A TCF burner on the Putterills hoardings. Ziml (Left) and Soker (Right), continue to confirm Bristol’s status as a major centre of the graffiti art form.
(Apologies to those for whom the above statement is obvious).

This piece (Above) is currently on the practice wall on Ashley Road.

Apparently, this ad (Above) appeared in a few places in Bristol last week. By steam- cleaning through a durable stencil, advertising companies, indeed anybody, can leave their message on the streets without fear of prosecution, because it is not illegal to clean the streets…  yet…

Jamie Gillman’s wooden flowers have now appeared at the end of  Dighton Street.  The photos above were taken in the night immediately after their installation. The number of  flowers remaining seem to diminish daily. Perhaps they find their way to people’s homes… It might be a very positive thing if similar flowers were to start sprouting here…

Posted on February 27, 2010 by

Categories: banksy | Graffiti | Jamie Gillman | Soker | street art | Ziml

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