News has emerged that Tesco have bought the lease on the former “Jesters” Comedy Club on Cheltenham Road.

Dave Trew, of  Metropolis,  reports;

More bad news is that I can confirm that Tesco have signed a lease to take the commercial unit of old Jesters at 140 Cheltenham Road.  This has nothing to do with me, it is a deal that the bank did after putting Jesters Comedy Club Limited into administration in May 2008.  The irony is that had I signed Tesco up for that lease, Jesters as a limited co would have survived.  Now it is simply money that Barclays will get, rather than one of the pioneers of Stokes Croft! (Me!!)

Presumably they will be seeking planning consent for a Tesco Express…

PRSC believes that a  multiple retailer such as Tesco will have an adverse effect on the local traders in Montpelier and on the essential character of the area. However, we must find out what people think. We have started a poll on this page, and will be gathering opinions on the Croft and Cheltenham Road/Montpelier. No application has been placed with the Council as yet. It is vital that the local population have their say.

For those unfamiliar with the way Tesco operate, we recommend you watch the “Dispatches” documentary on Tesco’s methods.


Also, check out these websites: also,

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Posted on January 25, 2010 by

Categories: businesses | Jesters | Metropolis | planning | politics | Tesco

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