7 – 8.30pm Tue 28 June
Come along to this talk and open discussion with Chris Nineham, Vice-Chair of the Stop the War Coalition & author of “Capitalism and Class Consciousness: the ideas of Georg Lukacs” & “The People vs. Tony Blair”.
David Cameron’s resignation has deepened the Tory crisis that became entrenched with the Referendum debate… This leaves a 3 month window at least in which widespread anti-Tory dissent, demands for a General Election and a Corbyn offensive might be launched, even as touted successor Boris, unpopular with his party’s establishment, is likely to be strongly contested. A smooth handover of power should not be expected.
Meanwhile, the toxic mainstream debate around immigration has also fuelled an increasing racism bred by six years of racist Tory policies, rhetoric and campaigning and divisive austerity. But rather than being merely a vote on immigration as some are portraying, Brexit has also represented a sharp rejection of and huge blow to the political establishment that overwhelmingly supported an undemocratic, elitist European Union.
This crisis of establishment politics can be a big opportunity for the left to fight for an end to the neoliberal Tory project – for the strong movements against austerity, war & racism to rise up – and for Corbyn’s increasingly popular left wing brand of ‘new politics’ to take power…
But how do we deliver this opportunity, fending off the Blairites and right wing populists, and drive a radical politics right into the heart of the political agenda?