For more short films, visit the PRSC Youtube Site
For more short films, visit the PRSC Youtube Site
Saturday Feb. 27, 1010.
The Westmoreland House Public Inquiry started at 10am on Thursday 25th Feb.
After two days of sitting, it will recommence on Tuesday at 9.30am, when the views of the local Community will be heard.
Despite the gloom that engulfs the UK economy, Stokes Croft continues to defy the recession. The resurgent Cultural Quarter contines to see businesses opening, and established buildings are repainting their shop fronts.
Uplands Audio, 174 Cheltenham Road, Bristol, tell us that they are looking for sombody to paint their shutters. Apparently, they are willing to pay for materials only… If you are interested in putting your artwork on their shutters, please contact us at PRSC or call Uplands directly: 0117 923 2224.
New work goes up at a rate too fast to document ..
A TCF burner on the Putterills hoardings. Ziml (Left) and Soker (Right), continue to confirm Bristol’s status as a major centre of the graffiti art form.
A Public Inquiry will take place on 25th February, commencing at 10am at the Council House where the developers, Opecprime Development will attempt to gain planning permission for an intensive residential development of the Carriageworks/ Westmoreland House.
Shayne Hayward, well known on Stokes Croft, tells us he has been on the the streets for the past eight years.
Portraying the reality of the Jesters Squat, this film also highlights the aggressive behaviour of the Tesco operatives who sought to evict the squatters by force.
Empty Shops and Promotion Initiative (round 2)
Bristol City Council has received funding from the Department of Communities and Local Government to encourage the ‘temporary’ use of empty shops during the recession.