The archaeological dig that took place on Turbo Island in Stokes Croft last December has now been shown on BBC TV Inside Out West.
Corporate Media Culture is the new religion!
Short procession to an ‘undisclosed location’.
Installation of a new temple to consumerism.
LoveBristol would like to invite you to a CONSULTATION EVENT at which they are
gathering responses to their draft masterplan for the WESTMORELAND HOUSE and
Carriageworks site – an alternative scheme for regenerating this site, completely different from any other proposal by anyone so far.
Clarification: We understand that the lease for Jesters Comedy Club was sold to Tesco by BDO Stoy Hayward as offical receivers.
Bristol Festival, in conjunction with PRSC and Coexist, propose a street festival here in Stokes Croft. Under the name of StokesCroftStreetFest, the idea is to run a week of activities, workshops/ exhibitions that culminate in a Stokes Croft-wide Street Festival on Saturday 22nd May.
The March took place on 13.02. 10, marking the beginning of the Community’s resistance
to the possibility of a Tesco store in Stokes Croft/ Montpelier.
This short interview filmed 14.02.10
For Further Stokes Croft Short Films
The People of Stokes Croft, Montpelier and beyond took to the streets on Saturday afternoon, thus demonstrating the depth of feeling at the the possibility of Tesco spreading its unwelcome influence into this area of the City.
Despite the attempted invasion of the Croft by Tesco, The looming Westmoreland House Public Inquiry,and Mr. Chalkey’s impending Criminal Damage Trial, some top drawer street painting continues to brighten the days here in Stokes Croft.
The former Jesters Comedy Club at 142 Cheltenham Road, Stokes Croft, whose lease has been taken over by Tesco, has been squatted.