Bristol City Council have released the three selected designs for the City Road/Stokes Croft Junction. You can now vote for your preferred choice at either Niche Frames on Stokes Croft, or at the Architecture Centre, Narrow Quay.
Rory Mizen’s show at the Emporium. 23.1.10
On the Croft… 23.1. 10
Jody confesses all…
The PRSC Youtube Channel aims to document life on the Croft.
These hoardings went up on Saturday. They were installed by a crew of workers who came from London to do the work.
MESSAGE from EUDAIMON, the only local option of the three submitted designs for the Corner Site…
Stokes Croft at a critical juncture.
We believe that it is important to document the unique vibrancy of life in Stokes Croft, and will continue to produce short videos that attempt to highlight local events and local issues.
Stokes Croft China launched at the end of November. Using China Ware from the defunct factories of Staffordshire, and lithographic prints salvaged from Staffordshire’s largest independent decorating factory, local artists and members of the community came together to produce an aesthetic that is uniquely local.
Stokes Croft local beat officers have brokered an apparently voluntary agreement with the six independent retailers of alcohol in Stokes Croft to ban sales of beers and cider with an alcoholic content of more than 6%.
Turbo Island during its last Community- led makeover, Feb. 2009
Below, the Inspector’s judgement. Particularly illuminating are Paragraphs 11 and 12, of which a small excerpt is quoted below:
The (Hoarding is not) preventing regeneration of the wider area or the immediate site, and indeed it may have some beneficial impacts in reducing the amount of graffiti.
Friday, February 12 at 8:00pm End Time: Sunday, February 14 at 8:00pm
At The Island, Silver Street, Bristol
To see more details and RSVP, follow the link below:
Introducing The Wonder Club’s new show.
We welcome you to Stokes Croft, 1836.
(We love you.)
We welcome you to the St James Fair.