Tesco is worryingly close to setting up shop on Stokes Croft – at the old Jesters.
Please come to a public meeting at 7pm on Monday 8 Feb at Hamilton House’s Events Space to find out how to help prevent this and explore what the community does want.
Bristol City Council will present the three short-listed designs for The City Road/ Stokes Croft Corner Site.
There is one local design of the three choices.
Unfortunately, the trial of Chris Chalkley was adjourned today (3rd February). The chief prosecution witness Denise James, Project Manager for Clean and Green, was under the impression that she was not required to appear in person.
Chris Chalkley, chairman of PRSC, is remanded to appear at Bristol Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday 3rd February 2010 at 9.45am. Mr.
January is not done, the weather has been the worst for thirty years, but the painting continues unabated. Proof if any were needed of the burning desire of local artists to make of Stokes Croft a gallery… Over the next two months , we will be canvassing locals, businesses, property owners to ascertain whether Stokes Croft is heading in a good direction…and inviting participation.
There is to be a Public Inquiry at the Council house on 25th February where the developers, Opecprime Development will attempt to gain planning permission for an intensive development of the Carriageworks/ Westmoreland House.
News has emerged that Tesco have bought the lease on the former “Jesters” Comedy Club on Cheltenham Road.
Dave Trew, of Metropolis, reports;
More bad news is that I can confirm that Tesco have signed a lease to take the commercial unit of old Jesters at 140 Cheltenham Road.
Alan Smith, aka “Bear” was cremated on 12th January, 2010.
The service was dignified, and perfect. In true Stokes Croft style, many ofthe mourners didn’t quite make the service, arriving just after.
Victor Lewis is well known on the Croft. With his bashed-up guitar, he has been ever-present on the streets. We saw him last week looking sharp, and sorted.
Painting continues as if it were mid summer… Auguring well for another exciting year in Stokes Croft.
Lokey and Cheba usher in the New Year.