Stokes Croft felt the touch of Jack Frost since the New Year. Side roads were impassable, people were falling all over the place, and the famous Stokes Croft street life calmed a little…Kings Square was closed, impassable because of sheet ice.
A short film from the PRSC Youtube site. A fire started in a skip conveniently situated beneath the City Road advertising hoarding.
The Funeral of Alan Smith will now take place on Tuesday, 12th January at 930am at Canford Crematorium.
The Mighty Banana van will leave from outside Jamaica Street Hostel,on Jamaica Street at 9am for those wishing to attend.
Heavy overnight snowfall meant that the funeral of Alan Smith did not take place today. Confusion reigned, as conflicting messages were received from the minister, the hostel and the Crematorium.
The funeral of Alan Smith, known to his friends as “Bear”, will take place at 9.30 am at Canford Crematorium in Westbury on Trym on 6th January.
Expanding on the P.R.S.C.’S already established outdoor gallery concept – which uses street art to re-invigorate the area – Paint Experiment will facilitate the creation of saleable Artworks in the public domain, requiring the participation of the community as: artists, buyers and curators.
We are pleased to announce the launch of Stokes Croft China at PRSC HQ on Friday 27th November .
This is directly in line with our Mission statement,
“To manufacture locally designed product “.
Don’t know much about this, apart from the Fact that Duncan Brothers will be running the workshops, and they are bound to be interesting… FFI 07791728269
The BAM construction site on the corner of Kings Square Avenue and Dighton Street was ram-raided on the week-end of 10-11 October.
Approximately three weeks ago, the cctv warning signs photographed below appeared all over Stokes Croft. Already, some of them have been torn down.