A few new pieces for your delectation…
Below, a piece from some interloper from Swindon…
The KTF crew on the Jamaica Street hoardings…
On Saturday 18th and Sunday19th July, The infamous Hillgrove Street battleground saw the latest skirmish with the Anti-Graffiti team… The mural below was painted, with permission of the owner once again… On Monday morning our wonderful BCC Anti-Graffiti team wove their magic… and rendered the corner site a lovely safe black…
Apparently, the estate agents (who deal for the owners) had given carte blanche to our intrepid anti-graffiti team to buff anything… So, with obviously blind devotion, they set about their business… Again, there was uproar amongst the local community, and general scratching of heads…
Ranjana Pandit of Radhika Fabrics wrote to our local councillor, saying,
I am a local business man, and we were happy to see a nice mural painted on the shop with Landlords permission.
The chess table which was on Turbo Island has been removed under pressure from the Police and from some residents, but certainly not all… The existence of the table on Turbo Island acted as a focal point for street drinkers, as Turbo Island has always done…
The table highlighted a problem central to all those who know and love Stokes Croft… There is always a hardcore of drinkers in the Croft… who congregate here, because all the services are local.
The massage parlour was written upon last week… Fair enough… However, it had to go, so we tidied it up… Would it not be better if the community received the money that the Council pays the Anti- Graffiti team, and allows us to look after ourselves?
How times change… Stokes Croft can’t seem to keep itself out of the media these days… Last week, the Casualty TV crew filmed around Stokes Croft, and drama ensue on Stokes Croft… Hardly anybody noticed, because these kinds of scenes have been fairly normal over the past years…
For those interested, the show will screen at Halloween, and some exclusive footage will be just on the web…
If you think the Council inflicts its whims only on graffiti writers in Stokes Croft, think again… Thorne Security has moved to the centre of town, and has done a splendid job of returning some classic lettering to its former splendour… But the Council planners don’t like it… Take a look at the two pics below, and if you think Thorne Security have refurbished the building in keeping with how it used to look e-mail Angelo Calabrese and let him know your thoughts…
And e-mail Andrew Thorne, because he is spending money going to court to fight this needless battle with the Council who are financed by, you guessed it, us…
And below is the crime that Thorne Security have committed…
We just received this e-mail from Sally of the Motpelier Bean Feast…
If you want to participate, send her an e-mail (At bottom of page).
Work has started on the ground floor of Hamilton House. Behind the railings has been growing an organisation which promises to make a huge and positive impact on Stokes Croft… The whole, huge 55,000 sq.
Something amazing is happening in Bristol. The people are voting with their feet, making the City Museum Banksy show the hottest show in the Country.
These are current proposals for lighting in Stokes Croft. The Council has some capital budget to spend…
Stokes Croft Lighting Proposals
Click Here for Plans
Have a look and then tell us what you think
[polldaddy poll=1768303]
The following roads have been identified as having a low level of lighting and therefore are recommended for lighting improvements.